Sierre-Zinal 2025 Samstag, 9. August


Sierre-Zinal zieht jedes Jahr die weltbesten Läuferinnen und Läufer dieser Disziplin an. Der Lauf lädt pro Ausgabe etwa 100 Läufer/innen ein.

The different forms of invitations

If you're not sure you'll be invited to the Run for the Cure, don't miss out on registration, which opens at noon on April 2.

Beware: registrations are sold out in less than a day!

"La totale"
"Sous conditions"

Transport bonus




Accommodation 5 nights in Zinal

All included

Payment under conditions*





Free / Paying**

  • *Under conditions : 5 nights in Zinal offered under conditions (payment of CHF 90.00 per night all included at your arrival in Zinal). Refund conditions if the athlete runs under 2h50 for Men and under 3h20 for Women
  • **Paying bib  : the registration costs CHF 95.00

Elite Invitation 

The elements that count towards an Elite invitation condition :

  • Run potentially under 2h50 for Men and under 3h20 for Women.
  • Have references in mountain / trail running
  • Have references on track (5k, 10k, half and marathon)

Other invitation criteria

Sierre-Zinal relies on :

  • The recognized athletes
  • The talents of the future
  • The multidisciplinarity
  • The multi-ethnicity
  • The loyalty

Sierre-Zinal is committed to clean sport and the health of athletes. That is why, in addition to the standard Swiss Anti-Doping Controls (WADA). By accepting this invitation, the athlete agrees to provide all the information that may be requested by the people in charge of the program and to submit to possible tests.

Doping policy

If you do not meet any of these criteria, please do not fill out the form below.

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