9. PURSES (art. 41-44)
Art. 41 Place and Time Prizes
For the "Runner" category of the Adult Race, time prizes are awarded to the fastest participants according to the table below (time prizes).
For the veterans I to III, women I to II categories and for the Chandolin-Zinal Junior Race, rank prizes are awarded to the fastest participants according to their respective categories.
For the estimations of the prizes, the time is calculated from the pistol shot, and not from the moment the participant crosses the starting line.
The Organizers reserve the discretionary right to change these prizes from one edition to the next.
Art. 42 Start Prizes
The Organizers may also, at his discretion, pay starting bounties to invited Runners. The amount will be determined unilaterally by the Organizers according to the merits of the guest runner and their history in the Sierre-Zinal Race.
Art. 43 Record Prizes
In the event of a new race record on the official adult course of the Sierre-Zinal Race, the record prize will be CHF 5,000 for men and women for the 2023 edition of the Sierre-Zinal Race. This amount is increased annually by CHF 1,000 until the record is broken. As soon as the record has been broken, the prize for the following year will be CHF 2,000.
The records are currently:
- 2:25'35'' for men
- 2:49'20'' for women
There is no record prizes in the Juniors’ or Children’s Races.
No cash prizes will be handed out before or after the award ceremony. Participants entitled to a prize must therefore be present at the award ceremony to obtain their prize(s). No prizes will be sent to runners entitled to a prize(s), except for compelling reasons.
Whenever a participant entitled to prize money has been submitted to a doping test, the payment of the prize money will be suspended until the negative results of the said tests are received. All prize money will be automatically forfeited in the event of a positive test. The other consequences of a proven doping case are governed by Art. 50 Proven Doping Case.