Rules and Regulations
1. The Sierre-Zinal Race, date and route (art. 1-8)
All figures or amounts that are in square brackets in these rules ([...]) may change from one edition to another. However, these figures or amounts are definitive at the opening of the registrations for the edition of the same year.
Art. 1 Organization
The Sierre-Zinal Race is organized by the Sierre-Zinal Association (the "Organizers").
Art. 2 Acceptance of the Rules
Registration for and/or participation in the Sierre-Zinal Race implies express and unreserved acceptance of these Rules, of the ethics of the event and of any instructions sent by the Organizers to participants.
The same applies to agents, team managers or any other private person representing athletes, as well as to athletes' teams with legal personality, who have negotiated the participation of said athletes in the Sierre-Zinal Race.
Art. 3 Sierre-Zinal Race
The “Sierre-Zinal Race” consists of several events:
- an adult race from Sierre to Zinal also called the “Race of the Five Four Thousand Meter Peaks”,
- a junior race from Chandolin to Zinal called the “Junior Race”,
- a children's race held in Sierre, called the “Race of the Five Obstacles".
Together these various events make up the "Sierre-Zinal Race".
Art. 4 Race Date
The Sierre-Zinal Adult Race and the Chandolin-Zinal Junior Race are customarily held each year on the day before the second Sunday in August.
The Children's Race generally takes place at the end of the afternoon on the eve of the Sierre-Zinal and Chandolin Zinal Races.
Art. 5 Categories according to start time
Entrants in the Sierre-Zinal Race can choose to run either in the ”Tourist” category or in the “Runner” category, depending on their estimated running time.
- "Tourist" category: the participant registered in this category does more than 4h30
- "Runner" category: the participant registered in this category does less than 4h30
Participants in the "Tourist" category will receive an official time, but no ranking and will be awarded no qualifying points for other competitions. In addition, participants in the "Tourist” category cannot include Sierre- Zinal in the calculation of their ITRA or UTMB indexes.
In these Rules the collective plural refers to both the masculine and feminine genders and is used for conciseness purposes only. Similarly, the singular can have a plural meaning and vice versa.
Art. 6 “Runners’” Subcategories
Participants in the "Runner” category shall be grouped according to their age and gender in the following sub-categories:
- Elite Men and Women: years [1984] to [2003];
- Veterans I and Women I: years [1974] to [1983];
- Veterans II and Women II: years [1963] to [1973];
- Veterans III: years [1900] to [1963].
Art. 7 Adult Race
Unless modified due to weather conditions (See Art. 12 Reservations for Weather Conditions) the Sierre-Zinal Adult Race follows a 31 km mountain trail involving a 2200 meter elevation gain and a 1100 meter vertical drop. The course of the Sierre-Zinal Adult Race is not quite identical for the "Tourist" and "Runner" categories:
- Athletes in the "Tourist” category can choose between two departure options: either via Niouc or via the Chapelle Saint-Antoine (Race Profil).
- For athletes in the “Runner” category, only the route via Niouc applies (Race Profil).
Art. 8 Junior and Children's Courses
Unless modified due to weather conditions (See Art. 12 Reservations for Weather Conditions) The Chandolin-Zinal Junior Race is a 19 km trail involving a 800 meter elevation gain and a 1100 meter vertical drop.
The Children's Race takes place in the town of Sierre.
2. Starting times and blocks (art. 9-11)
Art. 9 Start Times
Unless participants are otherwise notified before the start, the Sierre- Zinal Race Start Schedule is as follows:
- Children's Race (“Race of the Five Obstacles“): Friday from [5:00 to 6:30 pm].
- Sierre-Zinal Adult Race: "Tourist" category: [from 4:45 to 6:15 am]; "Runner" category: [from 11:00 to 11:20 am].
- Chandolin-Zinal Junior Race: [10:15 am].
Art. 10 Starting Blocks
Athletes in both "Tourist" and "Runner" categories shall be seeded into starting blocks by the official timekeeper based on their estimated running time as per the information provided at registration and their last results in the Sierre-Zinal Race.
Athletes should arrive at the Start area at least 30 minutes before their start time.
Art. 11 Seeding into Starting Blocks and Block Changes
Seeding is final and cannot be disputed by participants or third parties. Participants will be notified of their start time via a personal e-mail at least a week prior to the Sierre-Zinal Race.
Starting Block changes will result in disqualification (see Art. 45 Disqualification).
3. Modification/cancellation of the Sierre-Zinal Race (art. 12-13)
Art. 12 Reservation for Weather Conditions
The Organizers reserve the discretionary right, in case of weather emergency, to make changes to the Sierre-Zinal Race courses, to shorten them, or even to cancel one or more races.
Should such a case arise, the entry fee policy is spelled out in Art 33. Entry Fee No Refund Policy.
Art. 13 Reservation for Extraordinary Situations
Depending on the sanitary situation or other extraordinary circumstances, organizers reserve the right to replace the one-week-end event by a multi-day race model, in particular if health constraints make it impossible to hold the Sierre-Zinal Race (adult and junior courses) on one day. Extraordinary circumstances include natural disasters, epidemics or pandemics, or any decision made by a government or administrative authority preventing the normal holding of the Sierre-Zinal Race.
In such circumstances, the Organizers of the Sierre-Zinal Race also reserve the right to cancel the race at any time.
Should such a case arise, the entry fee policy is spelled out in Art 33. Entry Fee No Refund Policy.
4. Rights and obligations of participants (art. 14-22)
Art. 14 Age Requirements
Participants must be [10] years or older on race day to take part in the Sierre-Zinal Adult Race.
- "Tourist" category: from 10 year old, bubt we encourage registration in the Juniors category until 19 years old.
- "Runner" category: from 20 years old.
There is no age limit to compete in this Race.
The Chandolin-Zinal Junior Race is open to children from 10 and under 20 years of age on race day. Children under 12 years of age on race day who participate in the Chandolin-Zinal junior race may be accompanied along the course. However, children over the age of 12 must run unaccompanied.
The Children's Race is open to children from 4 to 9 years on race day.
Art. 15 Equipment and Physical Condition
There is no apparel requirement for the Sierre-Zinal Race. However, since part of the trail is 2000 meters above sea level, participants are advised to adapt their clothing to weather conditions and risks.
Participants in the Sierre-Zinal Race undertake to show up at the above-mentioned event in excellent health and adequately trained, while being fully aware of the length and specificity of the event. The Sierre-Zinal Race is indeed long and arduous.
Participants in the "Tourist” category, may find a flashlight or a headlamp useful as the race begins at night. They can hand in their lamps to relatives as soon as it gets light. The Organizers do not provide for the deposit and return of lamps.
Art. 16 Loss Property or Theft
Sierre-Zinal Organizers decline all responsibility for the loss or theft of participants’ personal items, equipment or material, whether on the Sierre-Zinal Race course, during the transport of personal belongings, or at the start and finish.
Any lost item found by the Organizers will be brought to Zinal. The owner should contact the Organizers and, after establishing their ownership, come and collect their property. Items which remain unclaimed after 2 weeks from the date of loss will be disposed of by Sierre- Zinal Organizers.
Art. 17 Respect for the Environment
By registering for the Sierre-Zinal Race, participants undertake to respect the environment and the natural areas they go through. In particular:
- It is strictly forbidden to leave waste (gel tubes, paper, organic waste, plastic packaging...) on the course. Trash should be disposed of in the bins that are available at each aid station.
- All participants must keep their waste and packaging until they can dispose of it in the bins provided at the aid stations or until they can hand it over to relatives along the course.
- It is imperative to follow marked trails. Running off trail is prohibited except during the last descent (see Art. 18 Obligation to Stay on Course). Running off trail causes damaging erosion of the site.
Any violation of one or more of the above obligations may, depending on the seriousness of the violation, result in disqualification (see Art. 45 Disqualification).
Art. 18 Obligation to Stay on Course
For safety reasons, fair play and environmental concerns (see also Art. 17 Respect for the Environment), participants are expected to stay on the courses marked out by the Organizers (see Art. 7 Adult course and Art. 8 Junior and children's courses). Running off course shall result in disqualification (see Art. 45 Disqualification). The courses are marked with yellow Z's, pennants and fixed black signs with the Sierre-Zinal logo.
On the last descent to Zinal, runners have the possibility of taking shortcuts between two points on the route.
Art. 19 Poles and Bandits
Sticks are prohibited on all the courses of the Sierre-Zinal Race. Violators will be disqualified.
It is forbidden to wear headphones on any part of the Sierre-Zinal Race course, under penalty of disqualification (cf. Art. 45 Disqualification).
Athletes are prohibited to run with a friend, relative or other runners who are not registered for the Sierre-Zinal Race. Running with a dog or animal is prohibited. Violators will be disqualified (see Art. 45 Disqualification).
Art. 20 Aid Stations
Participants in the Sierre-Zinal Race may take advantage of refreshments along the entire route, even outside the refreshment zones, as long as the environment is respected (see Art. 17 Respect for the environment).
The Organizers will set up official aid stations along the course at:
- Beauregard, km 4;
- Ponchette, km 7.5;
- Chandolin, km 12;
- Tignousa, km 16;
- Hotel Weisshorn, km 20;
- Nava (only water point), km 24;
- Barneuza, km 27.
Considering the difficulty of bringing supplies to Beauregard and Ponchette aid station, the amount of water at these aid stations is limited and athletes are requested not to abuse it.
Persons accompanying Juniors (see Art. 14 Age Requirements) do not have access to the aid stations set up by the Organizers.
The said participants, as well as their feeders or relatives, undertake not to leave any waste or trash behind, on pain of being disqualified (see Art. 45 Disqualification).
Participants consume all products provided by the organisers at the refreshment stations (water or other drinks, gels, food, etc.) at their own risk. The organisers cannot be held responsible for food poisoning, positive anti-doping tests or any other illness or infection linked to these refreshments.
Art. 21 Cut-off Times
The participants must abide the following cut-off times. Exceeding the cut-off times will result in disqualification (see Art. 46 Disqualification or withdrawal).
- Chandolin: [10:40 am] for the "Tourist” category, [2:10 pm] for the "Runner” category;
- Tignousa: [12:00 pm] for the "Tourist” category, [2:40 pm] for the "Runner” category;
- Hotel Weisshorn: [1:30 pm] for the "Tourist” category, [3:20 pm] for the "Runner" category.
The Organizers reserve the right to change the above mentioned cut-off times.
The final cut-off time at Zinal is [5:30 pm] for both "Tourists" and "Runners”. After this time, participants who have not yet arrived will be considered to be out of the race (see Art. 47 Out of the race or withdrawal).
Art. 22 Land or Air Rescue and Evacuation
In the event of injury, accident or any other circumstance that makes it impossible for a participant to continue the Sierre-Zinal Race, the latter agrees to be evacuated or rescued by land or even by helicopter if no means of evacuation by land is possible. Should the accident occur on the summit section of the junior and adult courses of the Sierre-Zinal Race, the only rescue option is by air.
The decision to rescue a participant by air or land is at the discretion of the Organizers who will take into account the circumstances and the rescuee’s condition.
The land or air rescue costs as well as subsequent hospital expenses will be charged in full to the rescued participant and his legal or contractual representative (coach, agent, team manager, ...).
5. Registration and Benefits (art. 23-30)
Art. 23 Registration
Athletes wishing to take part in the Sierre-Zinal Race must register on the official website of the said race or of its official timekeeper, the terms of which are disclosed each year by the Organizers. In principle, it is not possible to register on the day of the Sierre-Zinal Race, for all categories and for all events of the Sierre-Zinal Race.
Depending on the event the number of participants is limited to:
- [about 3'500] participants in the Sierre-Zinal Adult Race "Tourist" category;
- [about 2'100] participants in the Sierre-Zinal Adult Race "Runner" category;
- [about 200] participants for the Chandolin-Zinal Junior Race;
- [about 300] participants for the Children’s Race.
The Organizers reserve the right to change the maximum number of participants from year to year.
Art. 24 Registration fees
The entry fee, excluding options (see Art. 30 Options below), amounts to:
- CHF [95] the Sierre-Zinal Adult Race either in the “Tourist” category or in the “Runner” category;
- CHF [30] for the Chandolin-Zinal Junior race;
- CHF [15] for the Children's Race.
Registration is personal, strict and final. It may not be refunded for any reason whatsoever (see Art. 33 Registration Fee no-refund policy) and may not be transferred to another person, unless otherwise provided for in these rules (see Art. 32 Race Number Transfers).
The Organizers reserve the right to change the above-mentioned entry fees from year to year.
Art. 25 Services included in the registration fee
Registration for the Sierre-Zinal Race and payment of the entry fee (see Art. 24 Registration fee above) entitles the participant, subject to the Organizers’ decision to the contrary, to:
- participation in the Sierre-Zinal Race;
- a ride in the free shuttle bus (Art. 26 Free shuttles below) from Sierre railway station (on the Buffet side of the station, to the North of the station) to the start of the adult course or to take the special buses from Anniviers at a cost of CHF 7.00 (Art. 27 Buses from the Val d'Anniviers below);
- transport of the participant's personal belongings from Sierre to Zinal (see Art. 28 Transport of Personal Belongings below);
- refreshments on the course and at the finish;
- a post-race meal in the main tent hall;
- a post-race massage, depending on the availability of the masseurs;
- a finisher medal, provided the athlete has completed the entire course within the cut-off times (see Art. 21 Cut-off Times) and has passed through all the checkpoints and the finish line;
- a souvenir prize, subject to availability;
- a shower at the finish in Zinal (seeArt. 29 Showers below);
- a diploma;
- a free bus ride from Zinal to Sierre, upon presentation of their Bib;
ranking in the Sierre-Zinal Race (in alphabeticcal order for the "Tourist" ccategory).
The participant may also take out options when registering (see Art. 30 Options above).
The Organizers reserve the right to modify the above-mentioned services at their own discretion, depending on the weather conditions, the sanitary situation or any other circumstances, even if these fall under their own responsibility.
A reduction of the number of services is no ground for refund unless otherwise decided by the Organizers (see also "Refund of Registration Fee") (see Art. 33 Registration Fee no-refund policy).
By registering for the Sierre-Zinal Race, participants agree to receive the Sierre-Zinal Race newsletter, which they can unsubscribe from at any time. Participants who unsubscribe will continue to receive information about their block and start time before the race, as well as any useful information related to the smooth running of the race.
Art. 26 Free Shuttle Buses
The Organizers provide free shuttles from Sierre "restaurant le Bourgeois" in the city center of Sierre (north of the train station of Sierre) to the start of the adult course on the morning of the race. There is no shuttle bus for the junior race Chandolin-Zinal.
For participants in the "Tourist" category, the free shuttle bus runs every 10 minutes from [3:30 am] to [4:30 am] for blocks 1-2-3 and from [5:05 am] to [5:45 am] for blocks 4-5-6.
For participants in the "Runner" category, the free shuttle bus runs every 10 minutes from [9:30 am] to [10:45 am].
Art. 27 Post Buses from the Val d'Anniviers
The departure times and locations of the special buses on the morning of the Sierre-Zinal Adult Race from the Val d'Anniviers are as follows:
- Departure from Zinal Gondola Lift (via Ayer, then Vissoie) :
- At [3 am] (majority of buses), then at [4:15 am] (smaller number of seats) for the "Tourist" category;
- At [9:15 am] for the "Runner" category.
- Departure from Grimentz Gondola Lift (via St-Jean, then Mayoux and finally Vissoie):
- At [3 am] (majority of buses), then at [4:15 am] (smaller number of seats) for the "Tourist" category;
- At [9:15 am] for the "Runner" category.
- Departure from Chandolin Post Office (going through St-Luc, then Vissoie) :
- At [3 am] for the " Tourist " category;
- At [8:51 am] (regular post bus) for the "Runner" category.
The number of buses from the Val d'Anniviers is limited. A fee of CHF 7.00 will be asked from each participant wishing to use this means of transport. No discount will be given for general season tickets (AG), half-fare cards or other discounts.
The arrival in Sierre is expected to be approximately 1 hour after the departure time of each bus.
Art. 28 Transport of Personal Belongings
Participants' personal belongings are transported free of charge from Sierre or Chandolin back to Zinal . They are collected in trucks:
- For the Sierre-Zinal Adult Race: on the morning of the race at the starting area in Sierre.
- For the Chandolin-Zinal Junior Race: on the morning of the race at the start area in Chandolin.
The Organizers accept no responsibility for the loss or theft of personal belongings entrusted to them.
Art. 29 Showers
Participants in the Sierre-Zinal Race (Junior and Adult races) may shower in Zinal.
Access to the showers at the finish is reserved to registered participants of the Sierre-Zinal Race only.
Art. 30 Options
When registering, participants in the Sierre-Zinal Race may take out the following options, subjected to availability.
- Breakfast option, which is normally served on the morning of the race at the Restaurant le Bourgeois in Sierre. This option includes: tea, coffee, fruit juice, cereals, bread, jam, butter and fruit;
- Accommodation option in Sierre the evening before the race for adults and juniors of the Sierre-Zinal Race. This option includes a mattress. Participants in the "Runner" category are accommodated in the shelters of the Restaurant le Bourgeois in Sierre and participants in the "Tourist" category is in the Goubing gymnasium.
The Organizers reserve the right to offer participants other options at the time of registration.
These options are to be paid for as an additional charge at the time of registration. The Breakfast Option costs at least CHF [9] and the Accommodation Option is CHF [12]. The Organizers reserve the right to modify the charge from one edition of the Sierre-Zinal Race to the next.
An "accommodation" stand will be available at the Sierre Town Hall in Sierre for information and eventual payment from [1:30 p.m.] to [6:30 p.m.] on the Friday before Sierre-Zinal’s Adult and Junior races. Participants who have taken out the accommodation option and who arrive later than [6:30 p.m.] can go directly to the place of accommodation where a security guard will take care of any payment still due and will direct participants to their beds.
6. Withdrawal and Race Number Transfers (art. 31-32)
Art. 31 Race Number Retrieval
Bibs with race numbers can be picked up, subject to modification by the Organizers:
- For the children's race: on the Friday of the race, until 30 minutes before the start at the Sierre Town Hall.
- For the Sierre-Zinal Adult Race : on the Friday before the race, from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm, or on the Saturday of the race from 03:00pm at the Sierre Town Hall.
- For the Chandolin-Zinal Junior Race: the Friday before the race, from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Sierre Town Hall, or the Saturday of the race at the start in Chandolin as of 08:00 am.
Art. 32 Race Number Transfers
At the time of registration athletes choose to participate as “Runners” or “Tourists“ once and for all; no switches from one category to the other will be possible.
Requests for bib or name transfers are no longer possible after July 21 of the current year. Registration options are subject to change and refund.
There is a CHF 20.- charge for race number transfers. This transfer can be done by filling in a bib transfer form available at:
7. Registration Fee No-Refund Policy and Liability Exclusion (art. 33-35)
Art. 33 Registration Fee No Refund Policy
Subject to the conclusion of a cancellation insurance policy (see Art. 34 Cancellation Insurance below), the registration fee will not be refunded if the registered participant does not take part in the Sierre-Zinal Race, regardless of any justification. The same applies if the courses of the Sierre-Zinal Race have to be changed or shortened due to weather conditions or if one or more races of the Sierre-Zinal Race have to be cancelled for the same reasons (see Art. 12 Reservation for Weather Conditions).
In the event of cancellation or modification of the Sierre-Zinal Race on account of the health situation or any extraordinary situations (see Art. 13 Reserve for extraordinary situations) or for any other reason, the Race Organizers will decide at their discretion whether to reimburse the registration fee to the participants (none, partial or full).
Should the Sierre-Zinal Race be cancelled, the options taken by the participants (see Art. 30 Options) will be refunded in full.
Entries cannot be deferred to the following edition of the Sierre-Zinal Race.
Art. 34 Cancellation Insurance
At the time of registration, the participant may purchase a cancellation insurance in accordance with the terms and conditions of the official timekeeper of the Sierre-Zinal Race.
This insurance is offered by the official timekeeper of the Sierre-Zinal Race. The Sierre-Zinal Race and the Organizers therefore exclude all liability in connection with this cancellation insurance.
The said timekeeper’s insurance does not apply in case the race is cancelled or postponed, in particular for sanitary reasons (see Art. 13 Reserve for extraordinary situations). The Cancellation insurance offered by the timekeeper applies only in the event of a runner’s illness or accident (see the Timekeeper’s terms and conditions).
Art. 35 Exclusion of Liability
The Organizers accepts no liability for accidents, theft or loss in connection with the Sierre-Zinal Race. Each participant is also responsible for any damage or injury they may cause to third parties, without any recourse against the Organizers.
Any participant who willfully strays from the marked path is no longer under the responsibility of the Organizers.
8. Guest runners (art. 36-40)
Art. 36 Invitations and Prerequisites
Invitations are granted to runners or elite athletes by the Organizers (regardless of gender, the "Guest Runner", together the "Guest Runners") on a discretionary basis. The Organizers shall take into account the following elements when granting invitations:
- estimated running time under the cut-off of 2:50 for Men and 3:20 for Women;
- qualifiers in mountain trail running;
- track references (5k, 10k, half and marathon).
A registration form for runners and elite athletes wishing to participate in the Sierre-Zinal Race is available on the Sierre-Zinal Race website at:
Uninvited athletes have no right to contest the fact that they are not invited.
Art. 37 Types of invitations
There are several types of invitations, which may be combined:
- Transport bonus: the Organizers shall contribute, at their discretion, to the transport costs of the guest runner from their place of residence to Zinal. However, the Organizers will not pay for any accommodation or meals for the guest runner in Zinal.
- Accommodation for 4 nights in Zinal: the Organizers will pay for the guest runner to stay in Zinal for a maximum of 4 nights during the week of the Sierre-Zinal Race. Meals are also included and are paid for by the Organizers.
- Accommodation 4 nights in Zinal under condition: the content of this invitation corresponds to the invitation "Accommodation 4 nights in Zinal". However, the guest runner or their representative must pay the Organizers an amount of CHF [90] per day on arrival in Zinal. This amount will be refunded:
- If the guest runner runs in less than 2:50 (men) or 3:20 (women) (the Time Limits) on the unmodified adult course of the Sierre-Zinal Race, or
- At the discretion of the Organizers and depending on the circumstances that led the guest runner to exceed the above-mentioned cut-off times, or to abandon the Sierre-Zinal Race.
- Free Bib Number: the Organizers provide the guest runner with a free race number for the Sierre-Zinal Race.
- Bib Number for a fee: the Organizers guarantee that the guest runner will have a competitor number for the Sierre-Zinal Race, in return for payment of CHF [95].
Art. 38 Additional charge for failure to comply with the cut-off times
In addition, depending on the circumstances, the Organizers may, at their discretion, charge a guest runner who failed to comply with cut-off times an extra CHF 100 for administrative work, the race number given and for damage to the image.
The circumstances in which the Organizers will charge the guest runner the above-mentioned supplement are, in particular, the guest runner's lack of seriousness in their preparation for the Sierre-Zinal Race, their lack of interest in the said race, the fact that the Sierre-Zinal Race represents only a preparation event and not a goal for the guest runner, or the lack of desire to set a good time, etc.
Art. 39 Additional obligations of the Guest Runners
In addition to the obligations set out above (see section 4. Rights and obligations of participants in the Regulations), the Guest Runners undertake to:
- Attend press conferences, activities organized by the Organizers and official ceremonies to which they are invited. In this context, the 10 best invited male and female runners must go to Sierre the day before their race for a public presentation/introduction;
- Attend the prize-giving ceremonies if they are concerned;
- Be present at the starting line at the latest [20 minutes] before the start of the race;
- For the 50th edition of the Sierre-Zinal Race, attend the brunch on Sunday 13th August 2023, if invited by the Organizers.
Art. 40 Honouring the invitation
The guest runner must honour their invitation to the Sierre-Zinal Race, whatever its type, and participate in it in a suitably prepared manner.
If the guest runner does not appear at the start of the Sierre-Zinal Race without first sending a medical certificate stating that they are unable to take part in the Sierre-Zinal Race for medical reasons, they will not be invited by the Organizers to the next editions of the Sierre-Zinal Race, unless they pay the Organizers the lump sum of CHF 100. This amount includes the registration fee as well as supplements for the administrative work carried out by the Organizers and for the damage to the image of the Sierre-Zinal Race.
In addition, if the invited Runner is to be provided with accommodation paid for by the Organizers on the days before or after the race, as well as free meals, and the invited Runner does not honour their invitation without reason, the invited Runner must reimburse the Organizers, in addition to the aforementioned maximum amount of CHF 100.00, the lump sum of CHF [90.00] per night in order to be invited to the next editions.
9. PURSES (art. 41-44)
Art. 41 Place and Time Prizes
For the "Runner" category of the Adult Race, time prizes are awarded to the fastest participants according to the table below (time prizes).
For the veterans I to III, women I to II categories and for the Chandolin-Zinal Junior Race, rank prizes are awarded to the fastest participants according to their respective categories.
For the estimations of the prizes, the time is calculated from the pistol shot, and not from the moment the participant crosses the starting line.
The Organizers reserve the discretionary right to change these prizes from one edition to the next.
Art. 42 Start Prizes
The Organizers may also, at his discretion, pay starting bounties to invited Runners. The amount will be determined unilaterally by the Organizers according to the merits of the guest runner and their history in the Sierre-Zinal Race.
Art. 43 Record Prizes
In the event of a new race record on the official adult course of the Sierre-Zinal Race, the record prize will be CHF 5,000 for men and women for the 2023 edition of the Sierre-Zinal Race. This amount is increased annually by CHF 1,000 until the record is broken. As soon as the record has been broken, the prize for the following year will be CHF 2,000.
The records are currently:
- 2:25'35'' for men
- 2:49'20'' for women
There is no record prizes in the Juniors’ or Children’s Races.
No cash prizes will be handed out before or after the award ceremony. Participants entitled to a prize must therefore be present at the award ceremony to obtain their prize(s). No prizes will be sent to runners entitled to a prize(s), except for compelling reasons.
Whenever a participant entitled to prize money has been submitted to a doping test, the payment of the prize money will be suspended until the negative results of the said tests are received. All prize money will be automatically forfeited in the event of a positive test. The other consequences of a proven doping case are governed by Art. 50 Proven Doping Case.
10. Disqualification and Withdrawal from the Race (art. 45-48)
Art. 45 Disqualification
Any participant who has violated one or more of the provisions of these Rules and Regulations shall be disqualified from the Sierre-Zinal Race.
In addition to their disqualification, the said participant must:
- Reimburse all cash prizes (place and time prizes, start prize or record prize, see Art. 41 Place and Time Prizes, Art. 42 Start Prize and Art. 43 Record Prize) that may have been received from the Organizers;
- Pay the full cost of any accommodation and meals (Invitation Accommodation 4 nights in Zinal, see Art. 37 Types of invitations), as well as any transport costs which the Organizers may have paid (Invitation Transport bonus, see Art. 37 Types of invitations);
- Reimburse the entry fee of CHF [95] if the runner was a guest.
The same applies if the entourage of the offending participant violates one or more provisions of these regulations.
In order to contest their disqualification, the disqualified runner must file a complaint with the Organizers within [48 hours] of the pronouncement of the disqualification, on pain of being deprived of the right to contest it.
Should the participant be represented or advised by an agent, team manager or any other private person, or be part of a team with legal personality, the said agent, team manager, private person or team shall be jointly and severally liable for the reimbursement of the full amount set out in this provision.
Art. 46 Complaints
Any complaint concerning a matter other than disqualification (see Art. 45 Disqualification above) must be sent by email to the Organizers within 10 days of the Sierre-Zinal Race in question.
Art. 47 Disqualification or Withdrawal
The number of a participant who is disqualified for not complying with a cut-off time (seeArt. 21 Time limits) will be crossed out and deactivated directly at the check point where they arrived late. The said participant may keep their Bib as a souvenir.
A participant who quits the race must report to the nearest aid station or, at the latest, at the finish line. As soon as their decision is known, the participant is considered to be out of the race.
The Organizers will repatriate participants who have quit the Sierre-Zinal Adult Race (adult course), provided they quit before Tignousa. After this point, the participant must return to Zinal by their own means.
As soon as a participant is disqualified or has quit, they are no longer under the responsibility of the Sierre-Zinal Race and its Organizers.
Art. 48 Pursuit despite a disqualification
Any participant who is disqualified from the race and who wishes to continue may do so only after his or her number has been crossed out, and this under his or her own responsibility, at his or her own risk and in complete autonomy.
11. Doping and Consequences (art. 49-51)
doping policy in Sierre-Zinal:
- The race management has tightened the race rules regarding doping. This has been accepted by all participants.
- Sierre-Zinal has been fighting against all forms of doping for many years by systematically ordering doping tests (WADA) for the "Runner" category. The doping controls (WADA) will be maintained in collaboration with the World Mountain Running Association (WMRA), by World Athletics.
- Each invited athlete shall sign a legally valid contract with the organizers to participate in Sierre-Zinal. In the event of proven doping, the athlete in question is obliged under the terms of art. 143 of the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO) to reimburse the Sierre-Zinal Association in full for the Premiums received and for Accommodation Costs.
- Coaches, managers and teams shall be jointly and severally liable in the event of legal proceedings against their athlete(s). They themselves will have to reimburse in full the Prizes and Accommodation Costs to the Sierre-Zinal Association if their athlete(s) cannot meet them.
- All participants who have tested positive during a doping control at Sierre-Zinal, as well as participants who have raced at Sierre-Zinal under a concealed provisional suspension, will not be invited anymore in Sierre-Zinal in the future.
Art. 49 Doping
Each participant in the Sierre-Zinal Race undertakes :
- To submit to all urine and/or blood and/or capillary and/or saliva sampling and associated tests within 30 days before the day of the Sierre-Zinal Race and up to 15 days after the said race. It is understood that the costs inherent in the taking of these samples and associated tests are to be borne directly by the Organizers;
- To comply with the updated list of prohibitions from the World Anti-Doping Code;
- To accept to answer any summons from the Organizers on the spot or at a distance (telephone or video conference) in order to discuss their aptitude to participate or not in the competition or their possible downgrading after the competition;
- To transmit in a legible way any anti-doping test form carried out within 30 days before the beginning of the competition and up to 15 days after the competition;
- To communicate spontaneously to the Organizers any anti-doping proceedings initiated against them by any national anti-doping agency or by an international anti-doping body as well as any provisional or definitive suspension affecting them and which is not known to the public or to the Organizers;
- To agree to the use of the data concerning them, solely for research purposes and in a strictly anonymous manner. Each participant has the right to access, rectify and object to their data, which they may exercise towards the Organizers (see also Art. 54 Data protection).
Any unreasonable failure, refusal or transmission of incorrect information in connection with doping controls in general may lead to disqualification from the competition.
Art. 50 Proven Doping Case
If a participant is found to be doping as a result of a positive test carried out three months before or after the Sierre-Zinal Race, or on the occasion of the Sierre-Zinal Race, for which the said participant has been convicted by a decision that has come into force, or if the results of a participant in the Sierre-Zinal Race are subsequently annulled by virtue of a sanction imposed by the anti-doping authorities for the period including the Sierre-Zinal Race, or if the participant in the Sierre-Zinal Race was not supposed to participate in the said race because they were under provisional suspension, the participant will be considered as doping ("Case of Proven Doping") and will be disqualified from the Sierre-Zinal Race for the edition in question (Art. 45 Disqualification).
In addition, the Organizers shall be reimbursed by the doped participants for:
- All the prizes that the doped participant has received from the Organizers for the edition in question (place and time prizes, start prize or record prizes (see Art. 41 Place and time prizes, Art. 42 Start Prize and Art. 43 Record Prize);
- Accommodation, transport or any other costs that the Organizers has paid for the doped participant;
- The entry fee of CHF [95] if the participant was a guest runner.
The doped participant shall also pay compensation for administrative work and for the damage done to the image of the Sierre-Zinal Race, up to a maximum amount of CHF [100], at the discretion of the Organizers, who will consider all the circumstances of the case.
If the participant was represented or advised by an agent, a team manager or any other private person, or was part of a team with legal personality, the said agent, team manager, private person or team shall be jointly and severally liable for the reimbursement of the full amount set out in this provision.
Art. 51 Consequences of a Proven Doping Case
The Organizers reserve the discretionary right to issue a ban against a participant who has been subject to a Proven Doping Case (Art. 50 Proven Doping Case above) for a number of years.
12. Intellectual Property and Data Protection (art. 52-54)
Art. 52 Image rights
Sierre-Zinal entrants allow the Organizers to use the visuals, photos and videos on which they may appear.
Each competitor expressly waives their image rights in connection with the Sierre-Zinal Race, as well as any recourse against the Organizers and its approved partners for the use of their image.
Only the Organizers may transfer this image right to any media, via an accreditation or an adapted license.
Art. 53 Sierre-Zinal Brand
Sierre-Zinal is a legally registered trademark. Any communication about the Sierre-Zinal Race or use of images of the said race must respect the name of the event, the registered trademarks and have the official agreement of the Organization.
Art. 54 Data Protection
In accordance with Swiss data protection legislation, all participants have the right to access and rectify data concerning them.
Information is collected in the context of a registration for the Sierre-Zinal Race for the purposes of the Organization, and in particular to identify each participant individually in order to provide them with any necessary information relating to their participation before, during or after the Sierre-Zinal Race.
The results of the Sierre-Zinal Race are published on the website of the timekeeping partner of the Sierre-Zinal Race and on the website of the Sierre-Zinal Race.
The Sierre-Zinal Race undertakes to ensure that the personal data of the participants will not be passed on to the sponsors and partners of the Sierre-Zinal Race for marketing purposes.
All participant data will be kept for a period of one month after the event.
If you have any questions, if you wish to object to the processing of your data beyond what is necessary for the smooth running of the Sierre-Zinal Race or if you wish to have your data deleted from the results, please contact:
Sierre-Zinal Association, Rue centrale 6, 3960 Sierre, Switzerland
Or write to the following e-mail address:
Any request for access or modification of personal data will be processed as soon as possible after receipt of the request.
13. Applicable Law in Case of Dispute (art. 55)
Art. 55 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
Swiss law shall apply to any dispute arising from these Rules or in connection with the Sierre-Zinal Race. The place of jurisdiction for any proceedings shall be Sierre, in the canton of Valais.